About Us
The Monks Bouffe Story
Monks Bouffe is a Social enterprise working on highlighting the importance of Food, Farming (Ecological) & Nutrition in every human's life.
We work with farmers/farmer groups who believe in ecological methods of farming and create value added products that can be a source of nutrition while be appealing to our taste buds.
We work with a vision to be a critical part on this journey to see a prosperous agricultural sector in our country and see safe food being served to every living being in our country

Our journey and our team
Monks Bouffe has been established in 2016 by 3 friends who believed that the packaged food industry in our country needs food to be served with heart and not just the mind.
We hustled, fumbled and learnt while undertaking this journey as newbies in this crazy sector. A few moved on while the core remained and Monks Bouffe kept moving ahead stronger and deeper.
Today, we are still a work in progress as are most things in life. We love the idea of collaborations and working with anyone that works from the heart while using her/his mind to compliment it.